Quality Assurance
At Marvel Touch, we understand that if the envelope doesn’t function correctly, the building doesn’t function correctly. We take this challenge, and this responsibility, seriously.
Quality control begins with the close relationships Marvel Touch fosters with key suppliers in the supply chain. Whether aluminum extrusions, glass, silicone, gaskets, aluminum or stainless panels, it is paramount to the Marvel Touch process that the materials are received and fabricated correctly, shipped and transported securely and safely. Marvel Touch delves into our suppliers ability and core competence, with clear communication to set achievable goals and expectations.
Marvel Touch’s quality control procedures have been highly successful in catching errors earlier in the process, reducing in-plant rejection rates. The Marvel Touch process of collaboration chain knowledge helps the company to establish and honour schedule and quality commitments to its customers.
In plant, quality control includes programs and testing to assure silicone adhesion, strength and viscosity, dimensional checking of extrusions and glass, paint thickness, colour matching, and finished curtain wall unit air and water integrity.
Through the application of Lean Principles, quality expectations in the form of task-based quality checklists are used to create predictable work flow and promote rapid learning. With the integration of quality review into the construction process, we also create seamless transitions as the work is passed to new crews, or as multiple crews are added as needed to meet the schedule.

Marvel Touch protects each completed curtain wall unit with a protective coating that creates a durable and peel-able skin to finishes and materials susceptible to scratching or damage during transport, installation, or in place by following trades. The protected units are then crated and shrink-wrapped prior to making their journey to the jobsite. For certain projects, Marvel Touch also can load and transport units on steel racks – eliminating the need to dispose of crating materials on site.